Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Bible Reading Group

For some time, I've been asked to do something along the lines of a daily devotional, possibly leading folks through the Bible in a year. I'm afraid I'm not up to either.

But, this year I'm trying something based on those ideas that combines both and doesn't require perfection of any of us. I've set up a YouVersion group called "The JOY FM." YouVersion is an online Bible resource with lots of English translations (I use the ESV, but recommend the NLT to those who struggle with formal-feeling language), audio Bibles, reading plans and apps for your droid, iPhone, and more.

The plan is to get a group of JOY FM listeners reading together, encouraging one another, establishing a daily Bible reading and devotion habit that doesn't require "perfect attendance." We won't be checking up, catching up or even trying to read every verse of every book in the Bible. In fact, I've chosen a Bible reading plan developed by the Life Journal folks for "youth and new believers." Hey, I'm a theology instructor with a Master's degree, but this plan is not beneath me. If I stick to it, I'll improve my own daily habit.

Why not get set up on YouVersion and join our group? Set up a free account, get a reading plan, join the group, give yourself permission to not try to impress God or others with "perfection," then start a new habit!

Here are some links:

YouVersion -
The JOY FM Group -
The First Steps Reading Plan -
My Profile and Notes -

We plan to set up a page at to integrate this, and we also plan to include some of our on-air, 6:40 a.m. devotions as well.

Let me know if this is something you'd like to do.

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